Fly On The Wall Blog Opinion

Monster Owl Spotted in Memphis, Fox 13’s Lauren Lee Reports

It begins with this tweet…


For some perspective, the average owl weighs between 3 and 5 pounds. There was a photo too. Sort of.

OMG its a GIANT EFFING OWL! Or something.

  • OMG it’s a GIANT EFFING OWL! Or something.

According to Fox 13’s Lauren Lee the owl is a dirty rotten thief who will steal your hat. And your earbuds.



It will also snatch your squirrel. Or your dog that looks like a squirrel.


So lock up your squirrels. Or your squirrel-dogs. Stay indoors and stay tuned to Fox 13 (or at least Lauren Lee’s Twitter feed) for further Monster Owl developments.

You’ll also want to track down all the responses to Lee’s report. And read them aloud.