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MPD, Jason’s Deli Hosting “Holiday Ham Giveaway”

The Memphis Police Department is collaborating with Jason’s Deli to provide families in need with free hams on Christmas Eve.

Poverty and hunger are both issues Memphis has battled with for years. In 2010, a Food Research Action Center study dubbed Memphis the “hunger capital of the United States.” And this year, a University of Memphis study ranked Memphis as the nation’s poorest major metropolitan area.

Considering the above-mentioned information, the MPD’s C.O.P. Unit, along with Jason’s Deli, will host a “Holiday Ham Giveaway.” The event will take place today at the MPD’s Airways Station (2234 Truitt).

Five hundred hams will be donated to disadvantaged families during the giveaway. The event starts at noon.

“Officers see firsthand how hunger and poverty touch many lives,” said MPD director Toney Armstrong. “This is just one of the countless ways we show those in need that we understand the struggles they face on a daily basis; and we are thankful for the generous donations from Jason’s Deli to help us in this endeavor of giving back to our community.”