Politics Politics Beat Blog

Mulroy Acts Out Again

At Hall of Mayors affair for elected officials, commissioner “will portray a Founding Father.” (Friday, on behalf of Public Issues Forum.)

Now, which founding father would this be?

  • Now, which founding father would this be?

We’ll let this one speak for itself, as distributed by the designated comimissioner, a sometime thespian:


As part of a patriotic, educational skit to emphasize the need for civic engagement, County Commissioner Steve Mulroy will portray a Founding Father in a skit to publicize the efforts of the Public Issues Forum, a local nonprofit organization committed to educating citizens about the issues of the day.

This Friday, July 8, the Public Issues Forum will host a special Reception For Elected Officials from 4 to 7 p.m. in the Hall of Mayors at Memphis City Hall. Refreshments will be served. Coming on the heels of the Fourth of July, the event will have a patriotic theme, with a suitable 5 minute skit scheduled for 5:30 p.m.

The skit is the brainchild of former City Councilwoman Carol Chumney, a Public Issues Forum board member who wanted to do something different for the annual event. Chumney called Mulroy, a Shelby County Commissioner who sometimes acts in community theater and has penned scripts for the local satiric “Gridiron” revue. Chumney asked Mulroy to write and perform in a short skit to dramatize the importance of getting the public educated and engaged in public issues, and Mulroy agreed. Some audience participation is expected.