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Mumps Cases Identified in Shelby County

Four cases of the mumps have been reported in Shelby County since March 2017 according to the Shelby County Health Department (SCHD).

“With outbreaks in our neighboring states, it is not unexpected to see cases here in Shelby County,” said Alisa Haushalter, director of SCHD. “Experiencing mumps in our community serves as another reminder of the importance of everyone knowing their immunization status.”

Since the beginning the the year, Tennessee has seen between 20 and 49 cases of the mumps.

Across the bridge in Arkansas, there have been over 300 cases of the virus since the beginning of the year, while in Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia there have been under 20.

Mumps, a virus transmitted by droplets from coughs and sneezes, has symptoms including fever, headache, muscle aches, loss of appetite, tiredness, and swollen or tender salivary glands. However,  symptoms may not become apparent until weeks after being infected, and all those carrying the virus may not show symptoms.

The SCHD advises the public to prevent the spread of the virus by washing hands well, covering mouths and noses when sneezing and coughing, and reporting any facial swelling to a healthcare provider or the SCHD.

Additionally, those tested positive for the virus should stay in isolation for the first five days after the onset.