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Music Video Monday: Lisa Mac

Music Video Monday wants to you dance it off.

Lisa Mac’s new single “Mr. Mystery” is a groovy love letter to a man who won’t make up his mind, produced by Eliot Ives (guitarist in Justine Timberlake’s band The Tennessee Kids) and Scott Hardin.

Director Melissa Anderson Sweazy says she wanted the video to “feel like that part in almost every dance movie when everything is falling apart for the hero/heroine: they are clashing with the head of the dance company, the love interest has blown them off, and they’ve just got to dance it out.”

Cinematographer Ryan Earl Parker shot dancers Natalie Fotopolous Reding and Alberto Gaspar in the Jack Robinson Gallery. “The chorus is so swoon-inducing that it just sweeps you up and makes you want to move. I wanted Natalie to be the stand in for all of us who wish they could truly dance like no one’s watching and look amazing while doing so.”

Music Video Monday: Lisa Mac

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