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Music Video Monday: “Local News” by Jeff Hulett

It’s a slow news day on Music Video Monday.

Local news is what we do here at the Memphis Flyer. Our local news is mostly about fun stuff, with some very unfun stuff thrown in here and there so we can continue to call ourselves “news.”

That’s a joke, of course. News can be good, bad, indifferent, or ambiguous, because it’s just stuff that happens in life. But some folks have to dress it up and spin it in an attempt to attract more clicks or better ratings. Hey, I get it. It’s hard out there for a content pimp. But constantly harping on the bad stuff, while good for attracting those sweet, sweet anxiety clicks, can make for very unpleasant viewing.

Memphis musician and friend of Music Video Monday Jeff Hulett takes on the needy fearmongering with “Local News” from his 2022 album Note To Self. With an assist from Jake Vest, Hulett takes us on a nightmare tour of local happenings, with giant cave dogs and the walking dead. Looks like a slow news day to me.

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