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Music Video Monday: Louise Page

Music Video Monday is murder.

Today we’ve got a world premiere from the creator of MVM’s Best Video of 2019, Louise Page.

“In my work, I like to explore themes of love, loss, beauty, betrayal, revenge, classical art, and not-so-classical gender roles,” says Page.

“Paw in the Honey,” the latest from her album Silver Daughter is “…about feeling like someone’s affection for you is based purely upon their attraction to you, and the humiliation, frustration, anger, and hurt that comes with that feeling.”

To express her themes visually, Page worked with a female director for the first time. Laura Jean Hocking (who, full disclosure, is your columnist’s wife) was inspired by “…an uncredited 1950s color photo I found a few years ago of Vegas showgirls playing chess in their dressing room. I’ve always been intrigued by the dichotomy between the stage and the dressing room, our public and private faces.”

“Burlesque is all about people reclaiming their body, their nudity, their sexuality, and their power—themes that interlaced perfectly with the content of the song,” says Page. “Women are often reduced to two-dimensional, decorative, sexy objects in film—especially in music videos. Women, both in life and in film, are also often pitted against one another rather than presented as a cohesive team. In this video, we take the trope of the ‘sexy music video woman’ and make her dangerous, unhinged, thirsty for revenge. People are more than two dimensional vehicles for your sexual pleasure, and to treat them as such is incredibly dangerous.”

Music Video Monday: Louise Page

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