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Music Video Monday (On Tuesday): “Get Out” by Dirty Streets

Music Video Monday is hitting the road.

It’s a rare Tuesday edition of Music Video Monday featuring Dirty Streets. Memphis’ hard-hitting guitar rock trio has a new record out, produced by Matt Ross-Spang. Guitarist Justin Toland, bassist Thomas Storz, and drummer Andrew Denham are currently barnstorming the West Coast. If you’re in San Francisco, you can find them tonight playing at the legendary Bottom of the Hill with El Perro.

“Get Out” is a road song that is relevant to their current touring regime. “The first line refers to ‘moving out west to the rolling hills’ which is really just the concept of any place other than here,” Toland recently told “Moving around throughout my life and going on tour has really made me think more about how the idea of going to a new place can be so inspiring, but can also be a trap within itself. The song is really just about how there is no escape from life itself.”

Toland says the band found inspiration in working with the soon-to-be-legendary, Grammy-winning producer. “Matt Ross-Spang is like nobody I’ve ever worked with. There is a knack some people have for sensing a feeling in one bone of a song and building a whole skeleton. Matt is one of those people. He works more like an artist than a producer, shaping sounds and guiding without effort.”

The video, directed by Blake Heimbach, brings you into Matt Ross-Spang’s new Southern Grooves studio with the band as they “Get Out.” Rock on!

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