Snowglobe founding member Jeff Hulett continues his rich solo career with a new EP. “‘Rarely Last’ is about time more than anything else. The slipping away of time, wasting time, longing for simpler times, looking ahead to better times,” Hulett says.
For many, the pandemic gave us a visceral reminder that our time on Earth is limited. Hulett says “Rarely Last” is not about despair, but about the richness of life. “I’ve learned and realized slowly over time (see what I did there) that every year is hard, but that doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Every year is also filled with joy and beautiful moments. People die, careers change, friendships grow, but whatever the case may be — good or bad — the moments rarely last.”
For the “Rarely Last” music video, director Jenny Myers foregrounds Hulett’s lyrics in a unique way. Running human figures transform into the font, and the background becomes more visually complex during the song’s instrumental passages. The resulting synergy between song and image is quite beautiful.
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