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Music Video Monday: “Spinning Plates” by Jeff Hulett

Music Video Monday is watching the wheels go round and round

Jeff Hulett’s new album Little Windows hits the streets this Friday, November 15. The singer/songwriter will celebrate with a record release party at The Cove, beginning at 8 p.m. MVM previously featured Hulett’s first video from the record, “Let Go Of The Let Down.” The second video is “Spinning Plates,” directed by Memphis ex-pat Chris Weary.

“It is about the rat race, and spinning your wheels to get ahead,” says Hulett. “Where does it end? When is enough, enough? ‘Spinning Plates’ is something we all do, but boy do I have many irons in the fire ā€” many of which I need to and should shed. Many of my songs are notes to myself. Usually, advice I don’t follow.”

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