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Music Video Monday: Star & Micey

Today’s Music Video Monday carries a very special Monday message. 

If you’re like me, and I know I am, “Never give up” is the message you need to hear on a Monday morning. Stephen Hildreth directed this video for Star & Micey’s latest single, “Get ‘Em Next Time”, an ode to perseverance. 

“They’re very affable,” says Hildreth of the guys in the band, Nick Redmond, Geoff Smith, Joshua Cosby, and Jeremy Stanfill. “They’ll go for something that’s funny to them, totally commit to it, and take risks on it. And they’re actually really funny guys and ya know performers, so they end up bringing extra things to a video that make the result even better than the idea in your head. The great part was we got about a day out from shooting when it finally all clicked. Like I realized ‘Wow, if you take being in a band and distill it down to its essence, it’s comprised of selling merch, playing music, trying to meet girls, and riding in a van.’ We didn’t cover the van bit here, but I’m sure somewhere down the road that can be charted territory.”

Hildreth wore all the creative hats in the video, which was shot partially at Sun Studios. “The production couldn’t have happened without the work of John Goldsmith, Charlie Metz (Grips/Gaffers for the Sun Studio Shoot), Alistair Clark (camera op for the Minglewood footage), Curry Weber, and Ples Hampton (Cleared Sun Studios. Ples, whose dad was the late John Hampton, served as a Producer for the rest of the shoot. And Curry is like the official Star & Micey Superman. Like that’s his actual job title associated to the band. Not to mention all the staff at Sun Studios, who are just some of the best people, especially Jayne Ellen Brooks, Clara Daschund Parker, and Nina Jones—those ladies were all awesome.”

Star & Micey’s new album, Get ‘Em Next Time, will drop on March 11. 

Music Video Monday: Star & Micey

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