Politics Politics Beat Blog

Naming Rights for City Hall?

Really. so as to hire more police, Council candidate Joe Cooper proposes selling the rights to name the place to the highest bidder.

No, folks, there won’t be a Joe Cooper item here every day, although, as long as Cooper — a well-traveled pol who’s a candidate this year for the City Council Super District 9, Position 2 — keeps dreaming up unusual stuff (“solutions,” he would say) for public reaction, it’s only fair to indulge him once in a while.

Joe Cooper

His latest idea, posted on his Facebook page, speaks for itself:

“ LET’S HIRE AND TRAIN 1,000 NEW POLICE OFFICERS OVER THE NEXT FOUR YEARS (250 PER YEAR)! —I went to the credible source, Michael R. Williams , President of the Memphis Police Association, to find out exactly how much it is going to cost the resolution I intend to sponsor in the new council year in the first week.

“The way to fund this is to put out for bid the “EXCLUSIVE NAMING RIGHTS” to Memphis City Hall. This will raise millions of dollars over 20 years and will not cost the taxpayers one cent. It will also fund additional officers to take back our city. It’s outside the box, but it will work. Are you listening, Fred or Pitt?