
Neighborhood Safety … With Pizza on Top

I’ve been to scads of the Coalition for Livable Communities’ Pizza with the Planners series and I always learn something. Whether that’s about zoning … or the chamber’s plan to grow Memphis’ economy … or that residents are concerned about Uptown … or that I like pepperoni again, well, it’s always something.

(And, in all seriousness, generally more than one something.)

Anyhoo, the next one is this Thursday at the Ben Hooks Library and is probably about the number one issue for most Memphians: How to make your neighborhood safer.

With representatives from the Memphis Police Department and the Memphis Shelby Crime Commission, the session will look at how officers and resources are distributed across the county, how you can influence public safety laws at the state level, and how you can make your neighborhood safer.

As always, you need to rsvp (so they know how much pizza they need), but the event is free. To rsvp, call (901) 725-8370 or email