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New Plan Seeks to Ensure 80 Percent of SCS Students Graduate College- or Career-Ready

Louis Goggans

Superintendent Dorsey Hopson talks about ‘Destination 2025’ at Cummings School.

If a new strategic plan is successfully implemented, 80 percent of Shelby County Schools (SCS) students will graduate prepared for college and careers by 2025. 

A celebration for “Destination 2025” took place this morning in the auditorium of Cummings School in South Memphis. The Overton High School show choir, Whitehaven High School marching band, along with Grizz, the Memphis Grizzlies mascot, kept the crowd entertained with performances. 

In addition to making sure 80 percent of current students are college- or career-ready, Destination 2025 seeks to ensure 90 percent of SCS students will graduate on time, and 100 percent of college- or career-ready graduates will enroll in a post-secondary opportunity.

SCS has identified five priorities that will help accomplish its 2025 goal: strengthen early literacy; improve post-secondary readiness; develop teachers, leaders and central office support to drive student success; expand high quality school options; and mobilize family and community partners.

“This work is so important to me because I believe that education is a great equalizer,” said SCS Superintendent Dorsey Hopson. “It’s a game-changer. Nelson Mandela said, ‘Education is the greatest weapon you can use to change the world.’ We’re going to change the lives and trajectory of folks in Memphis when we get this done. I have no doubt. It’s also important to me because I have a daughter who is [in the] class of 2025, so when she walks across the stage with these beautiful babies out here, we’re going to be able to say, ‘We got this done. We changed lives, and we changed the community.’”

For more information on Destination 2025, read next week’s issue of the Memphis Flyer.