Nutrition Bar: Instagram
Funfetti shake
Katelyn McMurry says she tries to stay away from bread, but one of her favorite foods is the blueberry muffin. It’s okay, though, it’s a blueberry muffin protein shake, which clocks in at about 200 calories.
McMurry and her husband Seth opened Nutrition Bar in East Memphis a few weeks ago. It is the sister shop to Nutrition Hub in Germantown. McMurry says that folks would drive from Midtown for their protein shakes.
McMurry got into protein shakes because both she and her husband are athletes. But, the protein shakes they knew were chalky and gross. These are not — they taste like milkshakes and come in indulgent flavors such as apple pie, snickers, Tootsie Pop (orange and chocolate), dulce de leche, and glazed donuts (!).
Nutrition bar also offers energy teas and aloe shots, which help with digestion issues.
McMurry says shakes are good for something quick and easy. But they are not everything and shouldn’t replace every meal. “You’re going to need something to eat,” she says.
Nutrition Bar is open from Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Saturdays, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Nutrition Bar, 4615 Poplar
Nutrition Bar: Instagram
Caramel apple for fall