Politics Politics Beat Blog

On Eve of Visit from “America’s Got Talent” Crew, Lowery and Mulroy Tune Up

It’s true. The cast and crew of the hit TV “reality” show America’s Got Talent will be in Memphis this week looking for talent. And, just in time, two local politicians got their auditions ready, karaoke-style, at last week’s annual Christmas Party of the Shelby County Democrats.

City councilman Myron Lowery did an inspired version of “Under the Boardwalk” with partner Willie Nelson (no, not that Willie Nelson) at the party, held at Withers Museum on Beale.

“Under the Boardwalk 1”:

Myron Sings “Under the Boardwalk” 2 from Jackson Baker on Vimeo.

Not to be outdone, Shelby County Commissioner Steve Mulroy, insisting he was not a mere marinero (common seaman) but a capitan, performerd “La Bamba,” the old Ritchie Valens rouser. (And yes, those are the real words):

“La Bamba””