
On Taking a Position


News bulletin: mayors Wharton and Luttrell are not taking a position on school charter surrender.

This is shocking and Un-American. Like Glenn Beck and Keith Olbermann and any self-respecting columnist, blogger, or commenter, we are all supposed to have a position on everything from school consolidation to the European debt crisis, the designated hitter, Jay Leno, and True Grit. I know this because I watch television, read comment strings, and am on the receiving end of urgent messages from friends, colleagues, and strangers who are wound up about lots of things I know and care nothing about.

As a card-carrying columnist, my standard position is “take a position.” Like the Wall Street Journal says, who needs “on the one hand, on the other hand editorials?”

But in this case the mayors are right for the time being, which could change today, tomorrow, or the next day.