Food & Drink Hungry Memphis

Oooo… Look at the Mayor Talking Trash about Texas BBQ

Mayor A C Wharton

  • Mayor A C Wharton

Apparently there’s a basketball game happening?

So … earlier this week, San Antonio mayor Julian Castro made a barbecue-centric bet with mayor A C Wharton in recognition of the Grizzlies-Spurs series.

My favorite thing about all this is not the wager, but that the mayor’s office sent out a press release about the wager.

Included in the release is this addendum from Wharton’s Facebook page:

“I should mention that I have a friendly wager going with Mayor Julian Castro of San Antonio on the Grizzlies/Spurs series. The losing Mayor must send BAR-B-Q from one of their city’s best BAR-B-Q restaurants to the winning Mayor. Mayor Castro proposed it, but it seems a little backward. In my opinion, I should be forced to eat second-rate Texas BAR-B-Q as punishment not when we are successful!”

Seriously, this is a valid point.