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Oscars 2013: Best Picture Predictions 1.0


February 24, 2013, exactly six months from today: That’s the date of the 85th Academy Awards.

Are you excited like we’re excited? You know how football people don’t shut up about football even when it’s the off-season? That’s how we are about the Oscars.

It would be foolish to try to predict what the 2013 Best Picture nominees will be, especially since it’s likely most of the films that make the cut haven’t even been released yet. Maybe Oscar bait like Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln will actually be un-nominatable crap.

But since when did foolishness stop us?

So here’s our annual exercise in early award-predicting.

The prediction of nominees goes 10 deep, but there’s no way to know if the real final nominee list will include as many as 10; could include as few as 5.

Either way:

2013 Best Picture Oscar Nominee Predictions 1.0 (In order of certainty):