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Paint Memphis Working on Large Graffiti Mural in North Midtown

A large graffiti mural, spanning about .3 miles from North Evergreen to Chelsea and painted by more than 70 artists, is adding some color to the floodwall along the Chelsea Greenline.

The mural, a project of the Paint Memphis organization, will be the centerpiece of a July 18th neighborhood festival along the greenline. Festival goers will get an up-close look at the mural, while graffiti artists do a little live painting. There will be food trucks and family-friendly activities.

The Urban Arts Commission is sponsoring the Paint Memphis project along the greenline, and the grassroots arts organization plans to eventually do similar graffiti murals in other areas of the city. They’re hoping the project helps boost acceptance of graffiti as an art form. Once the Chelsea project is done, Paint Memphis members will monitor the wall regularly to ensure objectionable or offensive graffiti isn’t added to the wall. And they’ll keep the trash picked up in the area.

“Giving these artists a palette, time, and materials can help them to find a safe and legal space to showcase their talent,” says Karen Golightly, a Paint Memphis event coordinator and street art photographer. 

The Home Depot contributed 35 gallons of paint for this project, as well as paint sprayers and volunteers.