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Photo Contest Focuses on Memphis Bikes

A biking photo contest will begin May 1, running through the end of the month to celebrate National Bike Month in Memphis.

The City of Memphis Bikeway and Pedestrian Program will hold the MemphisRides Photo Contest as a way to make the public aware of the vast number of diverse bike riders in the city.

Thousands of people ride a bike every day in Memphis, whether for transportation, exercise, or fun,” the city’s  Bikeway and Pedestrian Program Manager, Nicolas Oyler said. “Through this contest we hope to raise awareness of this fact, as well as to illustrate that the act of riding a bicycle in Memphis is just as diverse as our city.”

To enter, citizens can post pictures of cyclists in the city to social media, tagging #MemphisRides and @BikePedMemphis.

The photos will be awarded points based on various criteria, such as how many cyclist are present in the photo, if the cyclists are biking in a bike lane, and if the cyclist is wearing “everyday” clothing or not.

The participant receiving the most points at the end of the month will be awarded a $150 gift certificate to Pedaltown Bicycle Co., a new bike shop in Memphis.

Owner of the shop, Clark Butcher agrees that more and more Memphians are choosing to ride bikes.

“Not too many years ago riding a bike on Memphis streets was a risky proposition, but due to efforts undertaken by city government to make our streets more bike-friendly, more and more people are feeling comfortable riding a bike,” Butcher said.