News News Blog

Planned Parenthood Denied Funding from County

Planned Parenthood has been dealt another blow by the powers that be.

Last June, we reported on the Shelby County Health Department’s decision to take on the full amount of Title X funding from the state, cutting Planned Parenthood out of a direct funding relationship with the state health department.

We also reported that the county would likely still subcontract to Planned Parenthood and other family-planning providers to take on some of the county’s caseload. These non-governmental family planning organizations have experience handling large caseloads and can leverage private funds to support their services.

Last week, however, Planned Parenthood received a letter from the Shelby County Health Department notifying them that they would not receive the contract they applied for. The county health department did not say who had received the contracts, just that the information would be made public by the end of the month.