Dr. Jeff Warren, a family-practice physician and a newcomer to politics, became the first formal filee Monday for the District 5 (Midtown) school board seat being vacated by Lora Jobe. At his filing, Warren was flanked by a diverse group of supporters including state senator Steve Cohen, state representative Beverly Marrero, activist David Upton, Dr. George Flinn, and Jobe herself.
n Financial analyst Dennis Bertrand of Newbern has become a write-in candidate for the 8th District congressional seat with the backing of TeamGOP, a statewide Republican organization anchored in Tipton County. The organization has repudiated formal GOP nominee James L. Hart for avowedly racist views. Incumbent Democrat John Tanner is a heavy favorite.
n U.S. representative Harold Ford’s cup runneth over. The political newsletter Roll Call reported that FedEx plans a party in honor of the highly visible congressman at this month’s Democratic convention in Boston. Entertainer Justin Timberlake is rumored to be aboard.
n Senator Lamar Alexander is the target of criticism from the Rev. James Dobson and other national pro-life activists for being one of the signatories of a letter sent to all members of the Senate calling on President Bush to rescind his restrictions on embryonic stem cell research.