Politics Politics Beat Blog

Political Snapshots from the Week Just Passed

A runoff in Arkansas; Cohen’s birthday; “no mudslinging” T-shirts for Ford and Luttrell; white beans in Madison County


  • JB

State Rep. Jeanne Richardson (right) was one of what appeared to be hundreds of guests who swarmed the inside and outside of Earnestine & Hazel’s Restaurant downtown Saturday night to help 9th District congressman Steve Cohen celebrate his 61st birthday. Earlier Saturday, Cohen had directed a crew of volunteers on an “Orange Mound Cleanup.”


  • JB

A beaming Karen Shea, new president of the Memphis Central Rotary Club, presented Joe Ford (left) and Mark Luttrell (right), candidates for Shelby County Mayor, with individualized T-shirts pledging them to avoid “mudslinging” in their ongoing contest for the mayoralty. The presentation took place at Friday’s regular meeting, which doubled as a 50th anniversary celebration for the club.


  • JB

State Senator Lowe Finney of Jackson (left) and State Representative Johnny Shaw of Bolivar compared notes prior to Friday night’s “white bean supper” of the Madison County Democratic Women. State Senator Roy Herron, a candidate this year for the 8th District congressional seat, had been expected to attend but was sidelined because of a strep throat, a spokesperson said.


  • JB

U.S. Senator Blanche Lambert Lincoln of Arkansas, here backed by family members, celebrated a nartrow lead last Tuesday night in her Democratic primary contest with the state’s lieutenant governor, Bill Halter. The two are now vying in a runoff election to be held June 8.