Politics Politics Feature

POLITICS: One More for the Road

Democrat Ron Redwing was the early bird in the
congressional race, declaring his interest way early in 2005 before anybody else
was ready to commit. He began fundraising in earnest, too, and his events
attracted a number of figures prominent in local Democratic circles. Most of
them stayed on the fence, though, biding their name while the field of
contestants expanded to its current double-digit dimensions.           

Redwing operates a consulting/public relations company and
has expertise in that area, as well as a connection to the city’s Catholic
community by virtue of having served the Memphis Diocese as a spokesman. . He
also has a considerable grass-roots base, and, at several well-attended rallies,
his highly rhetorical style and commitment to bread-and-butter issues have
resonated with his audiences. Redwing has the active support of prominent
African-American industrialist Willie Gary, who has made several local
appearances on Redwing’s behalf.

An early aide to current mayor Willie Herenton as
far back as 1991 when Herenton was considered a long-shot to be elected, Red
wing picked up valuable experience as the mayor’s action center director.
Redwing is enough of a realist to know that his chances depend on waiting out
the current logjam of candidates and earning a perception as one of two or three
top African-American contenders. 

High Side, Low Side: If state Senator Steve Cohen
(profiled last week) should succeed in his current bid to represent the 9th
Congressional District, he can give part of the credit to musical worthies
Jackson Brown and J.D. Souther, who showed up at attorney Leslie
‘s house for a well-attended fundraiser on Cohen’s behalf last
Saturday night.

The senator, as we hear it, won’t be Running on Empty,
having raised upwards of $50,000 on the occasion. Cohen chimed in on a chorus of
his late friend Warren Zevon‘s song, “Werewolves of London.”  A
valiant enough effort, but, if he wins, Cohen would be well advised to hold on
to the congressional seat as his day job.           

The last week saw two other interventions less to Cohen’s
liking, by the way.

Numerous 9th District households were the recipients of a telephone
“push poll” which, among other things, reportedly asked whether non-Christian
religious sentiments on the part of a congressman would be regarded as
acceptable.  (Cohen is Jewish.) The poll apparently originated from the campaign
of opponent Ed Stanton Jr.

And another 9th District hopeful, Nikki
, was the intended beneficiary of an Emily’s List  press release
proclaiming Cohen as  “a quixotic state legislator of
questionable effectiveness” and gong on to say, “Cohen’s legislative priorities
rarely align with his constituents’ needs, and his political tactics have often
left his colleagues bewildered. He has carefully cultivated a reputation as an
iconoclast. While not a good fit for this district, Cohen is a strong fundraiser
who can tap long-standing resources for his campaign.”

The description infuriated many of the senator’s supporters, who see him as a
steadfast supporter of the kinds of women’s rights that Emily’s List promotes.

Cohen himself, regarded by many
as the current front runner, declined comment on the two opponents’ stratagems,
except to say, “It goes with the territory.”

(The series of 9th
District congressional candidate profiles continues next week.