Memphis Gaydar News

Porn, Glambert, and George’s? Oh My!

There’s no shortage of good old-fashioned gay fun to be had this weekend.

* The annual Outflix Film Festival kicks off tonight (Sept. 10th) at Malco Ridgeway Four with a cocktail hour at 6:30 p.m., followed by the first films On the Bus and Children of God at 7:30 p.m. For a full schedule, go to the Outflix site. Outflix runs through Sept. 16th.

Adam Lambert plays Harrahs Casino on Sept. 11th

  • Adam Lambert plays Harrah’s Casino on Sept. 11th

* Emerald Theatre Company premieres Porn Yesterday at TheatreWorks tonight (Sept. 10th). In this comedy directed by Den-Nickolas Smith, a gay male porn star attempts to launch a legitimate acting career and finds the task more difficult than he thought it would be. The show runs Fri.-Sun., Sept. 10-12 and Thurs.-Sun., Sept. 16-19. Click here for details.

* Openly gay American Idol season eight runner-up Adam Lambert performs the campy cabaret-esque music from his debut album For Your Entertainment on Saturday (Sept. 11th) at Harrah’s Casino. During his performance last fall on the American Music Awards, Lambert made out with a male keyboardist and shoved a male dancer’s head into his crotch. Lambert’s envelope-pushing earned him the #5 spot on Out Magazine’s 2010 list of the most influential gay and women in America. For more on the Tunica show, go here.

* Speaking of Glambert, if you think you can sing (or do drag or dance or yodel or whatever), don’t miss the Tribute to George’s “Dog Night” Talent Contest at Crossroads on Sunday (Sept. 12th). Back in the day, when the long-defunct George’s was the only gay club in town, they hosted a weekly “Dog Night” where amateur showgirls would try out for a spot in George’s official showgirl cast. In Sunday’s tribute event, folks can compete with any talent, not just drag. The winner gets two tickets to the upcoming George’s Reunion Party. Check out the event’s Facebook page for details.