Letters To The Editor Opinion


Flyer Readers respond.

Tort Reform

To the Editor:

If a newborn baby does not get the proper care it needs in a Mississippi Delta hospital because there is no OB/GYN, then something needs to be done. Call it tort reform (Editorial, October 24th issue). Call it “common sense” reform. Call it “wanting something for nothing” reform.

When a doctor can’t get malpractice insurance because of the unbelievable settlements that have been handed down in Mississippi court cases, then there is a problem no matter what you call it.

Ron Parker


Baptist Stereotypes

To the Editor:

In response to Marcello Arsura’s letter to the editor in last week’s Flyer, I’d like to point out two major errors in judgment: Mr. Arsura’s, for writing this letter, and the Flyer‘s, for publishing it.

First, Arsura’s assessment that the two “middle-age women” in the Grand Casino advertisement were hypocrites because they “looked a lot like Baptists” was a ridiculous stereotype. Isn’t it obvious that Baptists can look like a man or woman or a child of any age or race? Furthermore, the Flyer printed the ad, not the Baptists!

Second, why can’t the Baptists voice their opinions without narrow-minded people like Arsura condemning them? I am not a Baptist but I am an American, and I believe that the Flyer should be more responsible than to print a letter based on prejudice. Arsura should respect the right of all people to contribute to debate over matters of state policy no matter what their religious convictions are.

Daniel Jones


To the Editor:

What are Baptists supposed to look like? I wish I could ask Arsura to answer my question. I find his comments to be extremely offensive and would feel the same way if someone had written that others looked a lot like members of a different faith.

Arthur H. Prince


Rare Form

To the Editor:

It is rare that I find myself in agreement with the John Ashcrofts and Rush Limbaughs of the world, but when people in this country — citizens or not — swear allegiance to some foreign religious leader then carry out attacks against innocent civilians, they deserve to be treated no differently than the detainees at Guantanamo. And if those who look like them or dress like them all fall under suspicion, it is not profiling. It is simply common-sense law enforcement.

Therefore, I call on President Bush to begin rounding up and deporting Catholic priests immediately, and I expect the carpet bombing of the Vatican to begin with all deliberate speed.

What’s that? They meant Muslim terrorists? Oh. Never mind.

Michael B. Conway


Support Local Music

To the Editor:

Memphis has the best local music in the country and the worst local support. Many Memphians are in the dark about the success of the local bands they see. It’s depressing that local audiences seem unaware that a band from Memphis was voted the “Best Band to Watch” in a European magazine in both 2000 and 2001.

I’m not surprised when local bands believe their hometown audience doesn’t care about them and would rather hear bad covers of worn-out popular songs. They would rather play on the road, where they receive more encouraging audience feedback.

Memphians should strive to make local musicians feel welcome at home before they make their home elsewhere. Remember to support emerging local artists, like those who played at NARAS’s Independent Music Forum Showcase last weekend. If you like what you hear, let your local musicians know. Memphis needs to continue to remember its musical history while encouraging its musical future.

Randi Lynn


Deeply Saddened

To the Editor:

I read the unfortunate news concerning Officer Michael Wilson (City Reporter, October 10th issue) and was deeply saddened. I met Michael in 1986 through a group of friends at the arcade at Poplar and Highland. I would bump into him at various times at Memphis State, where he was either taking classes or writing parking tickets. He got so into his job, he ticketed his cousin Wade’s car. (During a football match, Wade retaliated with a vicious tackle that left Michael on crutches.)

The last time I really sat and talked with him was in 1991, and life was not good for him. He admitted that he was disturbed by what he saw on the streets. He was never rude. He was just simply not the same person. My condolences to his friends and family.

Franco G. Scalzo

Louisville, Kentucky

The Memphis Flyer encourages reader response. Send mail to: Letters to the Editor, POB 1738, Memphis, TN 38101. Or call Back Talk at 575-9405. Or send us e-mail at All responses must include name, address, and daytime phone number. Letters should be no longer than 250 words.