Prosecutors have released 50 minutes of tape of the incidents surrounding the shooting deaths of West Memphis police officers in May. The dashboard cams clearly show 16-year-old Joseph Kane firing on two officers after being pulled for a traffic stop. The videos make it clear that Joseph Kane did the initial shooting. Both Kanes were gunned down by police officers in a subsequent shoot-out at the West Memphis Walmart.
Let the cops-faked-the-tape-to-hide-the-real-story conpspiracy theorists have at it, but viewing the tapes makes what really happened pretty undeniable. Watch the tapes here on WMC.

Just for old time’s sake, I’ll post a sample comment on my initial blog post about this: “I have no doubt that when the full story of this incident comes out, the media will end up with quite a bit of egg on its face.” There are lots more fun quotes. And lots of people who ought to be wiping yolk off their face.