Food & Drink Hungry Memphis

Pyro’s Breakfast Pizza

I generally never have my act together to go get breakfast, but last Thursday I was up and at ’em early enough to grab breakfast at Pryo’s on Union.

The Flyer recently did a story on the build-your-own option and how some tend to panic given all the choices. I’m one of those panic-ers, and while I was the only customer there at the time and felt no pressure to move it along, I did struggle over the choices and switched mid-order from an egg skillet to the breakfast pizza ($8.30).


I kept it fairly simple: marinara, cheese, black olives, onions, and peppers topped with egg. Since the pizza crust is thin and crisp, the egg layer was spread out and not particularly dominate among the flavors. It wasn’t much different from eating a non-egged pizza, and there is nothing wrong with that at all. Pizza for breakfast, with plenty left over for lunch.