News The Fly-By


Andy Warhol once said everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes. Most people are still waiting, but 25-year-old Anna Clifford-Fletcher got her 15 minutes earlier this month when her mug shot appeared on national newscasts and Web sites.

The photo, which featured her bleached-blonde Mohawk, was taken at Jail East after her arrest on March 12th. She was pulled over in her Chevy Cavalier shortly after leaving a Midtown bar. Then she blew a .10 in a Breathalyzer test (.02 above the legal limit). — by Bianca Phillips

Flyer: Were you up
set that everybody saw your mug shot?

Clifford-Fletcher: Not really. I guess it’s kind of cool. It’s just weird. Everybody in the world knows now that I have a Mohawk and I got a DUI. They don’t know that I wander around the city homeless. I worked out in Bartlett [at the time of my arrest] but now I don’t have a car, so I lost my job. My kids live out in Collierville with my ex-husband’s parents, so I can’t go see them.

Where do you stay?

Right now, I sleep at [a bar on the Highland strip], and I live with different friends. I stay with my mom sometimes.

What happened March 11th?

I was staying with a friend who lives two turns away from Murphy’s. He left the bar early and I thought, I’m not that drunk. Sure enough, I got pulled over. I probably could have walked.

Were you swerving?

I didn’t think I was driving crazy or anything. I guess it could have been my hair.

It was reportedly sticking through the sunroof.

I don’t have a sunroof, but for some reason, the cop said my hair was sticking through a sunroof. I drive with my head turned to one side.

What was jail like?

Well, it was jail. I still had my hair up but no one really messed with me about it. They were just like, “How do you do that?”

Have you measured the Mohawk?

It’s around 12 inches. I’m 5’2″ so it makes me over six feet tall. I like it at this length, but I’m thinking about cutting it a couple of inches. When the wind blows or people mess with it, it pulls on my head.