- Steve Mulroy at the June rally
Back in June of last year, hundred of LGBT rights supporters gathered on the steps of the First Congregational Church in Midtown to rally for the Shelby County Commission’s proposed non-discrimination ordinance protecting LGBT county workers.
Later in October, many of those same people showed up for another rally held inside the First Congo Church. That time, the group was gathered to express anger over the destruction of a pro-gay billboard downtown. At that rally, representatives from the Memphis Gay and Lesbian Community Center (MGLCC) promised the fight wouldn’t end there.
And they’ve kept that promise with a new group — called “Raise Your Voice: Speak Up, Speak Out” — aimed at uniting LGBT rights advocates in the fight against oppression. “Raise Your Voice” will hold its first planning meeting on Thursday at the MGLCC (892 S. Cooper) at 6:30 p.m. For more information, go here.