Music Music Blog

Random Review: The Klitz

The Klitz-Sounds of Memphis ’78 EP (Spacecase Records)

The original all-girl Memphis punk band! This record seemingly came out of nowhere, but is essential for any collector of local music. Recorded in 1978 by Alex Chilton and Sam the Sham, and championed by  Jim Dickinson, how much more street cred do you need? Sounds of Memphis features four tracks of raw and primitive punk rock, including the Chilton song “Hook or Crook” and the local hit “Hard Up.”

Pick this record up at any local record store in town, or directly from Space Case Records, but first check out this truly bizarre video featuring Jim Dickinson and The Klitz as they try to answer one of the burning questions of the last century: “what is punk rock?”

Random Review: The Klitz