Six miles. Five park districts. One Memphis. Announcing Memphis River Parks Partnership. Read more:
— Memphis River Parks Partnership (@MemRiverParks) April 23, 2018
RDC Rebooted as ‘Memphis River Parks Partnership’
The Riverfront Development Corp. (RDC) is now Memphis River Parks Partnership in a move announced Monday morning focused on realizing the Memphis Riverfront Concept Plan.
The group, soon to be led by Kresge Foundation fellow Carol Coletta, ”supports five connected park districts along six miles of the Mississippi River for the people of Memphis.” The Memphis riverfront is “ready for transformation.”
Memphis River Parks Partnership
”We chose the word ‘partnership’ intentionally as part of our name because this is and must be a partnership with the people of Memphis and the city of Memphis,” Coletta said in a statement. “The partnership is committed to delivering a fun, connected and catalytic riverfront.
“The new name and visual identity demonstrate the connection among the five park districts but, more importantly, our commitment to work alongside the community to unlock the transformative power of the riverfront.”
The new group’s brand represents five “distinct yet connected” park districts: Greenbelt, Mud Island, Fourth Bluff, Big River, and Martin Luther King. The black line in the logo represents the route of the coming RiverLine trail that will connect the river parks for cyclists and pedestrians.
The partnership has also launched a new website and social media accounts.
Coletta, a native Memphian and a senior fellow at the Kresge Foundation will replace RDC president Benny Lendermon, who retires from the post this month.