Below is a sampling of responses received by the Flyer in response to Cheri DelBroccos 9-4 Mad as Hell column, W Is For Why.. Only those letters whose authors signed and indicated place of residence are included.
The letters run in three general categories: Pro, Con, and Neutral. Spelling and typography are left unedited for the most part, so as to minimize changes to the spirit and character of the letters.
I’m mad as hell too….. the Evangelical / Republicans are crucifying all of us who are not Kompassionate Konservative Kristians… lets get down from our cross and use the wood to make a bat and fight them all the way to Hell and back. The Bu$hites are destroying our country…and making Democracy a Sham…..
But it is only so, if we allow them to do that….it is time… nay, past time not stand down, but to stand up and fight like we have never fought before… our country and our freedom is at stake…..
Betty Kowalewich
Kimberling City, Missouri
It takes all my self control not to rear-end any automobile and driver proudly displaying the w
One can only hope buyers remorse will settle in now.
Thanks for your article.
Mike Machak
I’m an American living in England and W stands for Wanker which- take it from me- is a very, very rude word.
As my friends and I who became a group as we worked to defeat Bush in 2004, plan a fund raiser for Katrina/Bush survivors, we cry for the dead and we cry for the city.
When I stopped crying I began to think about justice for the victims. It occured to me that the whole Bush regime should first be put into a wind tunnel overnight, then sent to the Convention Center (unlceaned) and left there for 5 days (it would be nice to have them surrounded by desperate people but I wouldn’t wish being 5 days with Bush on anyone.) Meanwhile his relatives should be holed up in nursing homes with rising water and derpived of medical care and medication. At the end of 5 days they should be shackled and left on a bridge in the heat. Then they should be marched to prison for the rest of their natural lives. Their assets should be seized and distributed to the Katrina/Bush victims of the Gulf Coast and of Irag.
Are there really people with W decals on their cars where you live? Do you think they will scrape them off after what has happened?
My God!
Nancy Boulicault
(Somewhere in England)
Because more than 50% of this country is snowed by Bush’s “charisma.” Because they look the other way. They don’t read and they don’t want to know what’s going on. They are too busy with their own lives. Well maybe this time, it will be too hard to ignore W’s incompetence. Maybe even the White House won’t be able to spin themselves out of this one.
Sarah Downs
Kennebunk, ME
I am writing with much pain in my heart in response to your editorial. I couldn’t agree more. We here in NY lived through 9/11 and experienced devastation in that horrific event. I personally know 6 people that lost their lives that day. Hollow promises made by GW Bush to us were never honored and I fear that Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama will be the recipients of the same hollow promises. I don’t know what it will take for people in this country to wake up. I hoped that people would have seen through this charade before November, 2004. The prospect of banning gay marriage was apparently more important to many people than the truth. Besides the usual Bush apologists, I would also like to know where the spineless Democrats are in this equation. I fax, email and call my Congressman and Senators Schumer and Clinton on a weekly basis regarding issues of importance. I am sure that most Representatives and Senators are hearing from their constituents more than they ever have. As long as these folks are in the pockets of corporations and cowering in fear of Karl Rove, the voices that we need to hear will be only occasional whispers.
I wish the people caught in this disaster the best. May New Orleans be restored someday to its unique place in America.
Yours in shared sorrow,
Kim Tyndall
Valley Cottage, NY
Why. cronyism. The leaders are cronies. Greed is the leader. Great article.
Chuck Nasmith ,
Rutland Vt.
There is nothing for me to add to a statement that many Americans have begun to ask themselves too. Peace.
Ron Gordon
Morrisville, PA
Greed, selfishness, class war, bigotry,arrogance, mean spiritedness, disrespect, disgegard. That’s why.
I’ve read your other work. Truth from the heart. Thank you.
Byron Whipple
Portland, OR
You said everything my husband, a N.O. native, and I have been saying for a week while we cried. He has relatives there, and they survived. One sister’s house and two nephews’ houses are ruined from the flood. Another sister was at the “shelter from hell”. We too are mad as hell! Thanks for writing your article so brillantly.
I am going to make a sign for my car. W is for WHY? You started it and it is a great idea
.I am not a lawyer, so here’s my questions:
Can we the people start a recall of W, like the people of California did for Gov. Gray? Or is the only way to get rid of him by impeachment?
I consider what happened in N.O. to be “crimes against humanity”. I know there is an impeachment movement already and have read the website, can this “genocide” be added to it? (Clinton, W’s lap dog, only today said the government failed and we’ll do the commission-thing. Right, just what we need another highly paid commission to whitewash another W failure.)
Is it possible to have an international court of law indict the fly-over, photo-op pResident?
Some brillant minds need to attack this asap. If you find anything out, please let me know.
Thanks for letting me sound off.
Best regards,
Cheryl McClish
Longwood, Florida
Yawn. That didn’t take much effort, did it Cheri? What else have you got?
David Hinske
I am neither Republican nor pro-Bush, but that piece “Mad as Hell” was the worst piece of journalism I have ever read. What does Rice, Cheney or Rumsfeld have to do with a hurricane on the Gulf coast? And I don’t believe Halliburton has anything to do with repairing the levees. she suggests Halliburton was given a no-bid contract. Should contractors have bid on the work and the the awards opened a month later? There are only two contractors in the world capable of huge construction and restoration projects and that is 106 year old Bechtel headquartered San Francisco and 86 year old Halliburton headquartered in Houston. They are relied upon by foreign countries all over the world because they are the best at what they do.
This was a mean-spirited, inflammatory article written by a young writer who needs to learn more facts about what she is writing. It’s obvious she is one of the liberal Bush-bashers with no agenda to move us forward. We don’t need more division in our country.
Paul Beyer
Syracuse NY
Cheri ” I’m dumb as hell” Delbrocco like so many other of her liberal ilk, wants to place blame for the destruction of Katrina on the Gulf Coast on the Republican administration. That just won’t work. Response to any disaster, especially one that went from a tropical storm to a Class 5 Hurricane in less than two days is by it’s very nature disorganized at first.
The administration, or any administration is not responsible for the poor decisions that individual citizens make with regard to where they live, how long they stay there and what the damage potential is.
What Delbrocco is too dumb to understand or learn is that New Orleans, the State of Louisiana, the Corps of Engineers and the Federal government have all known for years that the levee system would not withstand the “Big One”. Budget requests to strengthen and improve the levees were denied numerous times over the past decades, often due to the tree hugging liberals desire to protect the environment. Well, ya get what ya won’t pay for, sister. Any city on a major coastline is a potential disaster. The powers that be, from both parties, took an calculated, informed gamble with New Orleans. It was a smart bet for the past 30 or so years–until Katrina. But don’t blame Bush for the vagaries of tropical weather. Or for the lack of Federal funding for levee projects that go back as far as JFK.
Your boyfriend Clinton knew about the Big Easy and her weakness as well, and did nothing–or perhaps he was just too busy doing Monica?
Mike Whitten/
Why is the word, I do believe. Why didn’t the Governor call out the National Guard ? Why didn’t the Mayor make plans? The press told us what could happen if the storm hit New Orleans and how bad it would be. The local governements should have known of the danger approaching and prepared. Hell,even I knew about it. The biggest Why of all is, Why in the world have the people of the United States come to expect the federal government to do everything for them?
Larry Ransom
Jonesboro Arkansas