Letters To The Editor Opinion


Attention is focused on the congressman’s political tilt.

A number of the Flyer’s online readers have commented on various articles, commentaries, and editorials dealing with U.S. Rep. Harold Ford, now a candidate for the U.S. Senate. This is a brief sampling. Only those communications are included that are signed and indicate the writer’s place of residence. Spelling and typography are for the most part left unedited, in an effort to preserve the spirit and character of the communication.

I have been so hoping Harold Ford would give me a reason to vote for him….I thought I must have been losing it when I heard him promote President Bush at the Clinton Forum a couple of years ago and then again on Imus. I could not understand his statements to Imus in agreement with some context of the Zell Miller book. I understand that Phil Bredesen is doing some of the same. Such a Pity. Anyway.

I think what took me most by surprise was the bankruptcy vote that clearly harms middle-class working people.

Recently I hosted a dinner party with what I regard as a very conscientious democratic group of voters. The conversation turned to Harold Ford Jr. and I believe the consensus is that he is in deep do-do….in Memphis. Here are a few quotes: “I’m glad he ran for the Senate because he will lose and I don’t have to worry about him representing me in the Congress”. and “What is he trying to prove in East Tennessee?” and “He’s a disgrace.”

Sad thing is. I met Harold Ford Jr. I really like him. I think its a pity so I phoned my good friend John and gave him an earful. Then I asked him how Harold Ford Jr. planned to turn this around in the unlikely event that he was elected to the Senate. This is what he said. He indicated that he too disagrees wtih the voting but he understands that Harold Ford is a Democrat with a strategy (wink wink). He said that Harold Ford is not interested in a second term as a Senator if elected, that instead he has dreams of having his own syndicated Television Program (aha). He added that Harold Ford’s father would come down to help him campaign and that he believed that would change the tide…..(not much meaning to me since I’m not from Memphis)…and finally he challenged me to consider how I could entertain the idea of not voting for Harold Ford Jr. when his election could mean a Democratic majority in the Senate. (HE IS SO MISTAKEN!!!)

So thanks for your letter. I had read some concerns on Black but it adds so much clarity hearing it from you.

Lexie Carter

Harold Ford jr. is exactly what is wrong with the politics of this
city and politics as a whole. He and his family run on name
recognition, get into office and then do nothing but whatever they
have to do to get elected into higher office. Jr. represents midtown
where arguably the largest amount of gay Memphians reside. Still he
signs the defense of marriage act, which wasn’t gonna pass anyway, in
spite of his constituents. He supports this war in Iraq, which doesn’t
make sense to the majority of the country, let alone midtown. Ford
needs to realize that he works for us, not himself while in office. In
all of his years in office he has done nothing for the district he
represents because he does not believe himself a public servant. Think
about this the next time he’s spotted at some posh restaurant like
Blue Fin and you’re scraping up change to buy some ramen. That’s our
money that feeds you and your family, your only job is to do right by
us!. Our schools are a mess, public transportation is atrocious and
still he’s trying to play the cheerleader in some kind of popularity
contest. Think about it, besides his support for affirmative action,
what makes him any different from a republican?

Chris Weary
Memphis (Midtown)

This (Editorial, 8-26)is brilliant writing. I was stationed in Memphis, TN when Ford ran for office and clearly he has made a shift to the middle to appease a certain constituency. I remember that speech and thought how befitting a speech would be for this day in age.

Keven Eldridge
Orange County, California

Ford did not explain what he means by Bush having no clear plan. Clear plan for what? Why didn’t he talk specifically about an Iraqi exit strategy?

Marvin Reed

I am going to vote for Harold because,even though I may not totally agree with him on every issue, he is best hope for Tennessee.Harold reminds of a couple of other Jrs that have run for the U.S. Senate, Al Gore & Howard Baker.Both Gore & Baker ran when their national Partys were viewed as out-of step by the voters of Tennessee & that is the case,with the Democratic Party,today.This may sound like political spin but I don’t want to talk about specfic issues because I can’t explain ’em like Harold can.However,if you have questions about his views: just ask him,he will tell you what he thinks & he will ask you what you think.It’s true,the primary is going to be tough but Harold & his folks are working very hard to win your vote.By the way I am a Jerry Brown Democrat,ya know the California Gov. Moonbeam, I do march to a different drummer.But I like Harold & I’m going to ask my friends here in Knoxville to vote for him.

Bill Young

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