The New York Times is reporting in Sunday’s editions that Michael Heisley will choose to move his NBA team to Memphis.
Mike Wise, the papers NBA reporter writes: Barring a last-minute change of heart, the Vancouver Grizzlies’ owner, Michael Heisley, will recommend to Commissioner David Stern tomorrow that the Grizzlies be relocated to Memphis, according to three people familiar with the franchise’s plans.
An anonymous source is quoted in the story, saying: “Memphis is pulling away from the pack. There are some big-money people stepping up, they have a good arena and they have enlisted some major corporate sponsorship to bring the team there. At this point, I would be surprised if it wasn’t Memphis.”
The Grizzlies will be the first NBA team to relocate since the Kings moved from Kansas City to Sacramento in 1985. Memphis would become the smallest city in the league.