Food & Drink Hungry Memphis

Revival Southern Food Truck for Sale


Revival Southern Food Company, a food truck that launched last winter and placed 3rd place in the Best of Memphis “Best Food Truck” category, announced last week that the business is for sale.

That means everything is for sale — from the truck itself and the pots and pans to the business’ Twitter handle and logos. Does this include the recipe for Revival’s famous Krispy Kreme Bread Pudding? “Yeah,” says Adam Bettis, a partner in the business, “that would be part of it.”

Asking price is $39,000.

According to Bettis, he worked the financial side of the business, while Chris “Crash” Hethcox was in charge of the food. Bettis says that Hethcox was offered a regional position with a restaurant chain that was too good to pass up.

Revival was known for its excellent veggie tacos and dirty fries. They served up everything from sliders and blue plate specials to Frito pies.

Bettis says he’s gotten several calls from interested buyers. Some would like to purchase only the food truck.

For more information, go the Revival Southern’s Craigslist ad.