Blurb Books

Richard Bausch: A Farewell Reading

Before award-winning novelist, short-story writer, and essayist Richard Bausch, who holds the Moss Chair of Excellence in the creative writing program at the University of Memphis, makes his move, he’s bidding Memphis a fitting farewell. The move will be to Chapman University’s Wilkinson College of the Humanities in Orange, California, outside Los Angeles. The farewell will be in the form of a reading and booksigning on Wednesday, April 25th, inside the U of M’s University Center at 8 p.m.

Any end of semester is bound to be a busy time for students and teachers alike. This spring has been extra busy for Bausch. He’s overseen student work. He and his wife Lisa have put their house up for a sale (and sold it). And this month, Bausch had a workshop in the Bahamas to lead. But he’s made time for a few thoughts on the U of M’s writing program, which he joined in 2005. And he’s had some thoughts on Memphis as well.

Here, then, those thoughts, prompted by a few questions by email: