Food & Drink Hungry Memphis

Roasting & Concert Honoring Steve Collins of One Sharp Dude on Sunday

On Sunday, December 2nd, 4 to 5:30 p.m. at the Center for Southern Folklore, Memphis Farmers Market is hosting a Roasting & Concert honoring Steve Collins of One Sharp Dude.


Collins was a fixture at area farmers markets, known for his One Sharp Dude ambulance and his blunt teasing over the sorry state of customers’ cutlery.

After years of heart problems, Collins received a heart transplant on November 29, 2011.

“I’m one year old,” says Collins.

But, damage to spinal cord occurred during the procedure and Collins is now paralyzed from the waist down.

“I’ve accepted it,” he says. “I don’t complain about it.”

Sunday’s party marks the 1 year anniversary of Collins’ transplant. It will feature parody songs, and six people have been tasked with the roasting.

Collins says that he knew there was an event on Sunday but the scope and details were kept from him. Through little bits of information dropped here and there — his daughter coming from out of town, a question from lunch date — he figured out that the event was bigger than he had been first led to believe.

And he says that even though the last year has been difficult, he’s ready for a good roasting.

“Absolutely,” he says.

According to Collins, his “100 words or less” answer to folks who marvel over his good attitude is “Have you known me any other way?”

With the holidays and hunting season, it’s now the busiest time of the year for Collins’ sharpening business. For more information about getting your knives sharpened, go to the One Sharp Dude website,