To Memphis, that is. But the porn icon who has logged 26 years in a business where most stars peter out quickly won’t be making any movies while in town. Well, not that we know of, anyway. He’ll be performing his stand-up routine at Memphis’ new comedy club, Stop 345, at 345 Madison, formerly the rock club the Last Place on Earth. Jeremy’s not the only sexually motivated comedian coming to the club. Doug Stanhope, the new host of the Man Show on Comedy Central, is scheduled and Sandra Bernhard, the Madonna crony who has long blended sexual politics with standup comedy, opens the club this weekend.
We asked Chris Walker, who manages Stop 345 and also ran Barristers, a storied rock club that closed in the 1990s, and the Last Place on Earth, a less-storied rock club that closed a few years back, how he made the transition from booking music to booking comedians. “Did you ever see any of my shows?” Walker asked, recounting the number of times great touring bands played to nearly empty houses. “Some of those were pretty darn funny.”