When it gets all cold and gray and Novembery, sometimes it’s hard to see people’s outfits. You know, with them being covered up by coats, scarves, umbrellas, gloves, hats, and the occasional rain cloud and all.
Which is why I have devised what is now known as the “Amber McFall theorem.”
This rule posits: In any winter weather, the cuteness of an outfit completely covered by winter outerwear directly correlates to the cuteness of the shoes.
Ergo, cute shoes = cute outfit. Unstylish shoes = unflattering outfit. (For those of you playing the Style Sessions drinking game, I think that is four drinks. If my calculations are correct.)
An earlier rule of thumb included the shorts to tunic length ratio. Don’t worry, these will all be compiled together in a book from CMI press, due out in January 2011.
At any rate, you can see the Amber McFall theorem in action right here, right now.
When McFall walked into the Young Avenue Deli, I noticed her peep-toe heels right away, but I couldn’t see the ruched Express halter or the boot-cut jeans. But the shoes definitely made me take a second look.
“This isn’t my everyday attire,” she says. An employee at the division of corrections, McFall generally wears slacks and a button down to work. “The stuff I wear to work, I just wear to work.”