Food & Drink Hungry Memphis

Salt/Soy to Debut Downtown

Michael Donahue

Nick Scott, second from left, was among the participating chefs at the June 8 Le Bon Apetit fundraiser.

Nick Scott and sushi will reunite when Salt/Soy debuts June 29th at 409 South Main food court for a pop-up dinner.

Scott, a former executive chef and, later, general manager at Bluefin, is chef/owner of Salt/Soy, which will open as a restaurant in mid-July.

He came up with the concept about a year ago. “It’ll be a sushi/raw bar,” he said. “We’re going to do dinner for the pop-up, but going into the place, we are going to do lunch and dinner.” It’s set to open in mid-July.

Asked why he decided to return to Japanese cuisine after so many years, Scott said, “I’m spoiled rotten and I’m used to eating great sushi. Selfishly, I wanted to do it. But I feel there’s a void there.

“We’ll offer not a crazy expensive sushi bar, but very quality-driven. We’ll also do ceviche and raw bar stuff and small plates and omakase (Japanese tasting menu).”

Scott still will wear his other hats. “I’m still chef/owner at Interim. I’ll still be there. I’m basically going to trade out the beginning of the week. And plan on doing omakase dinners down there (Salt/Soy), monthly wine dinners at Interim and monthly butcher dinners at Alchemy.

“I’m bouncing around, but I’m going to be cooking everywhere.”

By Michael Donahue

Michael Donahue began his career in 1975 at the now-defunct Memphis Press-Scimitar and moved to The Commercial Appeal in 1984, where he wrote about food and dining, music, and covered social events until early 2017, when he joined Contemporary Media.