“Okay, so tell me, who makes laws in the United States? … That’s right, Congress. … Who was Thomas Jefferson? … The third president, and he wrote the Declaration of Independence, correct. … Who is one of your U.S. senators? … Marsha Blackburn, yes, that’s right. … I can tell you’re ready. You’re not going to have any problems with this test.”
I was listening to my wife in the other room. She’s an immigration attorney and was talking on the phone to a client who was going to take his citizenship test the following Monday. He’d jumped through lots of bureaucratic hoops, filled out lots of forms, and waited several years for his chance to become an American and he wasn’t going to blow it. It was inspiring, especially given the level of disinformation about immigration being spread by members of the Republican Party.
Here’s some legitimate information: In 1850, immigrants made up 11 percent of the U.S. population. In 2021, they made up 13 percent of the population. Ooh, facts! Scary! Here are some more scary facts from a March 2023 report by the Migration Policy Institute: The population of Tennessee is roughly 6.6 million people, of which 370,000 are foreign-born, or 5.3 percent. Of that number, 175,000 were born in Latin America, meaning the “threat from the Southern border” currently comprises 2.5 percent of Tennessee’s population. I don’t know about you, but I’m terrified.
Those 175,000 people are a threat to open restaurants, do construction work, start lawn care companies and auto repair shops, work in our offices, and send their children to our schools — where they may even become lawyers! They are a threat to contribute to our economy! They must be stopped!
When Donald Trump began his campaign for the presidency in 2015 at Trump Tower, the first comments out of his mouth were racist: “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” Trump said. “They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us [sic]. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists.”
Now it’s almost nine years later, and he hasn’t changed his tune, and most Republicans are still singing along. Blackburn and Eighth District Congressman David Kustoff constantly use their bully pulpits (and X accounts) to spread fear and misinformation about the “threat at our southern border” — a threat that has not adversely impacted their constituents’ lives to any noticeable degree. It’s not surprising to anyone who’s followed the political careers of these two cosplayers. Like most Republicans, they live to get airtime with Laura Ingraham or the other Fox hosts. It’s all they’ve got. They lack the courage of Mitt Romney and other Republicans who understand that Trump and his ignorant, dying MAGA herd are dragging the party into irrelevance.
The people trying to enter this country at our southern border are fleeing poor economic and/or socioeconomic conditions in their homeland. They are mostly impoverished and desperate. They are here hoping to make a life for themselves and their families. They aren’t taking over. They aren’t “poisoning the blood of our country.” They are human beings who don’t deserve to be shoved back into a river to die in order to get some asshole an appearance on Fox News.
There was an astonishing report that came out last week from the Inspector General of the Department of Defense. I urge you to read it. It will blow your mind. The report’s purpose was “to determine the extent to which the DoD implemented appropriate controls for executive medicine services in the DoD’s National Capital Region.”

In English, that means they were looking at pharmacy policies at the White House under Trump. The report showed that drugs were being given to White House staffers without prescriptions or any records as to who was getting them — including such Schedule II controlled substances as fentanyl, ketamine, Provigil, Oxycodone, and morphine.
Quote: “We found that the White House Medical Unit provided a wide range of healthcare and pharmaceutical services to ineligible White House staff in violation of Federal law and DoD policy. Additionally, the White House Medical Unit dispensed prescription medications, including controlled substances, to ineligible White House staff.” An example: From 2017 to 2019, the White House went through 4,100 doses of Provigil (an amphetamine) at a cost of $98,000. That’s a lot of speed, amigo.
It’s ironic that this report came out in the same week Trump was found guilty of defaming E. Jean Carroll, the woman he’d previously been found guilty of raping. It’s almost like at Trump’s White House they were bringing drugs, they were bringing crime, and they were rapists.