Ladies and Gentlemen, in the words of the great Shirley Q. Liquor, let s give it up for the complex and multitalented Patti Labelle, who kicks off her two-night gig at Sam s Town tonight. Back at the New Daisy, there s a big fund-raiser for Friends for Life featuring live jazz by Joyce Cobb, Gary Johns, Jackie Johnson, Debbie Kines, Susan Marshall, Teresa Pate, Reni Simon, and the amazing Memphis Jazz Orchestra, one of the best kept secrets in this town. Gregory Hines is the headliner at tonight s Memphis Heart Gala Silver Anniversary at The Peabody, benefiting the American Heart Association. Papa Top s West Coast Turnaround is at Kudzu s tonight. Big Ass Truck with The Subteens are at Young Avenue Deli. The Billy Gibson Trio is at the P&H CafÇ. Crash into June with The Rosenbergs and Shaking the Ree are at Newby s. Back at the Hi-Tone, it s live music by Lucero and Secret Liquor Cure (go early and have dinner at Rumblefish, adjacent to the bar). And last but certainly not least, New York rockabilly purveyors, The Camaros, are at the Blue Monkey.