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Saying Goodbye to Live From Memphis

In an announcement posted on the front page of their popular web site, the pioneering arts community organization Live From Memphis announced last week that it will be ceasing operation. “The bottom line is that our site has far outgrown our resources to run it,” the announcement reads in part. “We had the passion, just not the financial support.” launched in 2001, but the roots of the organization go back to the late 1990s when Christopher Reyes, an avid electronic music fan, saw a performance of bluegrass band the Mudflaps at Murphy’s in Midtown. “They did this acoustic fucking jam of the century, and I was like, ‘Oh My god! This is amazing!’ There was only 20 people in the room. It changed my perspective on music,” Reyes said.


Reyes recorded Memphis bands playing live — at first only audio, then later adding video to the mix — and posted them online. His goal was to connect the many talented artists of Memphis with a larger audience, and the project grew to include Memphis film, art, and culture as well as music. “Eventually — and I didn’t realize this right off the bat — it became about the interaction between the artist and audience. There had to be an event where the audience could really get together with the artist,” Reyes says.

One of Reyes’ earliest innovations was the Creative Directory, an online space where talented Memphians of all kinds could create profiles and post their credentials and resumes so people and business requiring their services could easily find them. In the days before MySpace, Facebook, and LinkedIn took social marketing mainstream, the directory proved to be a valuable asset to Memphis creatives.