NOTE: i am taking a bit of vacation time this week, but political news keeps breaking. So, insofar as is possible to tell that story by quick posts of self-contained texts prepared by or pertaining to principals in ongoing news events, they will appear here, with authorship or point of origin clearly labeled, to speak for themselves. Jackson Baker
Gordon Ball
The following is a press release from the U.S. Senate campaign of Democratic nominee Gordon Ball::
Gordon Ball Announces Campaign Team
U.S. Senate Democratic candidate Gordon Ball announced Wednesday the 2014 Election Campaign Team to lead the way in challenging career politician Sen. Lamar Alexander in the General Election.
The campaign election team will be headed by democratic leaders from across the state of Tennessee. Former U.S. Congressional Representative for the 4th District Lincoln Davis. He will lead a team comprising chairs representing the three grand division including former U.S. Senate democrat candidate Terry Adams and 15th District Representative Joe E. Armstrong for the Eastern Division. Nashville Businessman Bill Freeman and Nashville Metro Council Member-At-Large Jerry Maynard will be co-chairs in Middle Tennessee working with the Gordon Ball for Senate campaign. West Tennessee will be headed by co-chairs Minority House Leader Rep. Craig Fitzhugh and TN Democratic Party Secretary and member of the DNC, Gale Jones Carson.
“Tennesseans are facing issues which need to be addressed because our state’s families, students and seniors are struggling..” Ball said. “Our campaign team is ready to bring tennessee common sense, compassion and leadership to solve the problems that our state is facing. We believe that we help our neighbors, we don’t abandon them because it is inconvenient or will interfere with political special interest groups dictating an agenda from DC that doesn’t help average people . We must push the discussion for a higher minimum wage, keeping our hospitals open by accepting Medicaid Expansion and taking care of our veterans.
“I am humbled to have these amazing state-wide leaders willing to stand with me as we work toward the next generation. None of us are taking anything for granted. We must do what is right. It isn’t going to be easy. We know this but we aren’t afraid. We won’t back down,” Ball added. “There is so much we can do together and we all are ready to get to work.”