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Shelby County Facilities Get Healthy Vending Options


More than 170 vending machines in 17 county buildings are being restocked with healthier snacks, thanks to Mayor Mark Luttrell’s Healthy Shelby awareness plan.

Half of the foods in each vending machine can have no more than 35 percent of calories from fat and no more than 10 percent of calories from saturated fat. A “Fit Pick” symbol will identify healthier options, including snacks that are lower in fat and sugar than traditional vending machine snacks.

“Providing an effective public health program is one of my top priorities. It makes good sense for Shelby County government to promote a healthier lifestyle for our employees and visitors,” Luttrell said.

Examples of “Fit Pick” offerings include baked chips, pretzels, Chex Mix, roasted peanuts in the shell, animal crackers, sunflower seeds, pickles, juices, and flavored water.