
Shop of Fire Barber Catches Fire

The North Memphis barbershop of Warren Lewis caught fire on Wednesday. Lewis pioneered the technique of trimming hair with fire and discussed this and other chapters of his colorful life in a Flyer story last year….

The North Memphis barbershop of Warren Lewis caught fire on Wednesday. Lewis pioneered the technique of trimming hair with fire and discussed this and other chapters of his colorful life in a Flyer story last year.

No one was injured, and the property suffered minor damage. Lewis was back up and burning hair yesterday. He was quick to point out that the structure fire had nothing to do with his unusual technique. He said that air conditioning repairmen were “sweating the pipes” with butane torches when the fire occurred.

Lewis has owned the shop at 887 Thomas Street since 1965. Memphis Fire Department estimates the damage at $25,000 to the building exterior.