Food & Drink Hungry Memphis

SingBean offers Farmers Market Delivery

Adam Weeks is a judge in Arkansas. His side hustle is his gig as a farmer with Powhatan Farms. His side side hustle is the new, a farmers market delivery service.

Weeks says that before he was a farmer himself he loved going to farmers markets and loved eating fresh. He began to get up early on Saturdays to drive to the Memphis Farmers Market from Arkansas. He started to meet the market’s vendors.

Once he was in the farm game himself, he recognized what he calls a valley in the farmers market game. “Farmers get squeezed,” he says. On the one side, there are farmers market customers and restaurants and on the other are the big grocery stores like Whole Foods.

It’s really, really hard for the smaller farmer to be a supplier to grocery stores, says Weeks, so he decided to to turn his attentions to the opposite side of the valley with SingBean.

Weeks says he knows of no other service like SingBean. Unlike a CSA, you can pick and choose what you want and how much you want from a variety of farmers. That means if you want a small thing of tomatoes, so be it.

Customers can pick up their orders at Trolley Stop from 3 to 8 p.m. Tuesdays, or have their order delivered by Meals in Motion for a $6.99 fee.

Weeks says he sought out local farmers market super stars. Among SingBean’s vendors are Bonnie Blue Farms, which sells goat cheese, Dave’s Bagels, and Whitton Farms.

In the works is meal box delivery a la Blue Apron.

SingBean is currently in its soft opening phase, but will officially launch in the next week or so with the hope of having all the kinks worked out by the spring/summer season.

As for the name SingBean, Weeks says that he liked how it sounded like “string bean” and “singing” and, at the same time, sounds like a doorbell ringing. “That’ all,” he says.