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Sound Advice: Tiffany Harmon & Other Stories CD Release Show


Up-and-coming local alternative/indie rock group Tiffany Harmon & Other Stories will celebrate the release of a debut E.P., titled Bandits, this Saturday night at the Young Avenue Deli.

The group was forged out of a chance encounter between three emerging local songwriters, Tiffany Harmon, Jeff Leedham, and Jeff Culley.

“Jeff (Leedham) and I are old friends, and we started just jamming together in our spare time and thought it was fun,” says Culley. “We eventually built up the courage to play at open-mics, and that’s how we eventually met Tiffany.”

“I had been a solo act as a singer-songwriter since I started at the age of 15, but I always longed to be part of a collective,” says Harmon. “After hanging out and chatting for a few weeks, I asked Jeff and Jeff to be my back-up band. The boys welcomed me with open arms.”